No matter how keen a gardener you are, everybody wants all or part of their garden to be easy to maintain. Something that provides you with a low maintenance outdoor living space or shelter that can completely transform the look of your garden.
At Gagajoo we have built many timber constructions, from large decking areas, to bespoke sleep beds and fencing to create the perfect atmosphere in your garden. Well-designed timber work will help to extend the living area of your home and create a more flexible garden to enjoy all year round.
Timber is a really versatile material and a great way to bring natural materials into your garden. Whether it’s a new patio area, raised beds or screening for added privacy, at Gagajoo we can provide a solution for your garden, no matter what the size.
Combining the skills of a construction team with the creativity of landscape gardeners, Gagajoo can deliver stunning results for your garden. To discuss your requirements and find out how timber work could transform your garden, get in touch with the team.
We’ll create your dream garden to match your budget.
Phone: 07979 593662
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